Progress Report for the New York State Pavilion Paint Project 2013

We still need to exceed our goal to finish the project, please continue to support the effort and spread the word...Thank you!

Net Proceeds from donations after fees and partial postage
reimbursement as of August 25, 2013: Report F                                                                                                $2550
($2845 gross gofundme + $145 in private donations)
Materials Purchase as of August 16, 2013:
- 20 Gallons Sherwin Williams Show Stopper Red
- 20 Gallons Sherwin Williams Extra White
- 20 Gallons Sherwin Williams World's Fair Yellow Custom    


We recently spent a few hours catching up on yellow trim work.
Home Depot- Disposable Tarps, 5 Roller Handles, 4 Brushes, Then we spent two days doing more inside work but did suffer a rain delay the
18 Roller Covers, 1 Tape Knife/Scraper, 6 Paint Trays  first day. We did manage to get a few hours of work in though.
Sherwin Williams White Plains donated a case (24) of Roller Covers!! The second day we picked up where we left off and we very productive.


The US Open tennis event was ramping up and we hope many visitors pass by

Out of Pocket Expenses (no reimbursement): Gas, tolls, and enjoy the pavilion with some brilliant color!
lodging, previously purchased painting supplies, printing and    
creation of rewards, 60% of postage costs, food & beverage.   Unfortunately, with the raw nature of the cement block,


  the paint is going fast and thankfully we have already surpassed our goal.

 Please keep spreading the word!!

Please check out


Thank you for your donations and support!


Watch for future updates!!


Early August we caught up on some yellow painting.  Next we take on the wall to the right...


Day One Rain Delay



Doing a little research on iphone
under cover of rain

One way to stay dry is to bring the cover with you.  This is original spot lightcover.

We did manage to get some paint on the building in spite of the rain...


Day Two


Looks like first coat of stripes are done.

Top half of yellow from above, bottom half we use long poles.


Painting coat of white. Hard work!

Much progress, saving most of the yellow for the afternoon.


Winding down for the day.

Progress- from the doorway opening almost to the end.


Panorama of the painted areas, a bit more than half way around.


Still much to be done!